Whoa. Unlimited? Really?
Yes, really. Let us break it down for you.
Unlimited Photos
- 50% Extended License Discount (only on Photos)
Unlimited Photos
Unlimited Videos (4K available)
Unlimited Design ElementsElements
- 50% Extended License Discount on Any Product
Enterprise Unlimited
Unlimited downloads, commercial usage, unlimited user seats, and asset management rights.
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What's so great about Lightstock?
- We now offer unlimited memberships!
- Our free trial offers a handful of downloads that you get to pick—from anything in our library.
- We have a huge library of quality stock, curated specifically for Christian creatives.
- We’re a marketplace of thousands of contributors that cover a wide range of styles.
- Safe search: no sifting through NSFW sketchiness to find what you need.
Trusted by thousands.
Over 1 million Lightstock assets have been use by individuals and organizations like…
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Our 14 day free trial gives you a little taste of what it’s like to be unlimited.
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in that membership.
Cancel at any time during your trial, or let it automatically roll into a fully unlimited membership after 14 days.

Lightstock just works.
And people are loving the amazing results.
"I'm constantly impressed..."

McIlwain Presbyterian Church
“Lightstock had me at ‘cheesy-free!’ The images are great, and I really like having vector files with which to work. The customer service is phenomenal!”

“The amazing quality and breadth of the library make Lightstock essential for our website!”
“I love using Lightstock images. As a photographer myself, I appreciate their high quality and the variety which is available. Many people in different congregations comment on my Powerpoint presentations using Lightstock images.”
“Lightstock adds such quality to everything we produce!”

“I love having access to so many faith-themed photos that you
just can’t find anywhere else.”